FEM - Racking & Shelving Product Group
As the FEM Racking and Shelving Product Group, we represent the interests of manufacturers of:
- Adjustable Pallet Racking for general or specialised warehouse use
- Drive in Racking for more specialised bulk storage
- Push Back Racking for Higher Density storage at relatively low height levels
- Gravity Live Storage Racking and Shelving for first in - first out utilisation
- Mobile Racking and Shelving for high density low turn round systems
- Clip together Metal Shelving systems for general storage purposes
- Library Shelving for book and other storage in archives and elsewhere
- Bolted Slotted angle for the construction of storage and other Systems
- Plastic Storage Containers, Steel Lockers and Cupboards
- Mezzanines together with Rack or Shelving supported floors
- To represent, promote and protect the interests of the European racking, shelving and related products industry.
- To establish a source of information for manufacturers, control organisations, users, teaching bodies and government authorities.
- To facilitate discussion about technical, commercial and economic storage equipment and methods issues.
- To facilitate collaboration on definition and classification of equipment, terminology, development of standards, quality, market data, and research and development.
- To publish a range of studies and documents promoting better utilisation of storage equipment.
- To promote any other activity of value to manufacturers and users.
The Product Group operates through an Annual General Meeting, Management Board and Working Groups, considering specific aspects of racking or shelving.
Current officers of the Product Group that meet as a Management Board are:
- President (Eugen Talmann, Germany)
- Technical Chairman (Stefano Sesana, Italy) from end December 2020
- Secretary General (Colin Hinton, UK)
- Technical Expert (Stefano Calzolari, Italy)
- Representatives from up to 7 Member National Associations: currently Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Netherlands and UK.
The Product Group was formally established as the “European Racking Federation” (ERF) in UK Company law in September 2004.
Work in Progress
The current work plan consists of a number of Working Groups involving engineers from across our membership:-
- Liaison meetings with the FEM Industrial Trucks Product Group.
- Preparation work for the conversion of 10.2.06 Shelving to a CEN code.
- Preparation work for the conversion of the Rack Protection code to a CEN Code.
- CEN TC344 Annual General Meetings are held in conjunction with the R&S Annual General Meeting. Chair of this group is Giuseppe Fabbri.
- Work to create a new code for Industrial Steel Platforms.
- Production of Technical Bulletins on relevant issues for the industry.
- Responding to Technical queries on relevant issues or concerns.
Eugen Talmann, Germany
National Associations or individual companies in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Austria, Turkey and Romania.
There are also two Associate Members from Australia and Egypt.
Colin Hinton - Secretary General
Gill Hinton - Business & Finance Manager
FEM Racking & Shelving Product Group
Purwell Cottage, Purwell Lane, Hitchin, Herts. SG4 0NF
Tel: +44 (0) 1462 454 296
Fax: +44 (0) 1462 454 296
Email: info@fem-rands.org